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Baris 86:
===Berkontribusi sambil Menjelajah===
Kebanyakan naskah sumber di Wikisource dibuat berdasarkan pindaian dari buku cetak. Cara mengetahuinya: terdapat tab bernama "Sumber" di sudut kanan halaman, atau berupa nomor halaman berpranala di dalam kurung pada bagian kiri halaman.
Many works on Wikisource are backed by scanned images of the pages of real books. You can easily tell if the work you have chosen does: just look for a tab called "Source" at the top of the page, or numbers enclosed in brackets going down the left side of the page.
IfAnda yourberuntung textjika hasnaskah pageAnda scans, then you are in luck! You can read it pagememiliki byhalaman pagepindaian, justkarena likeAnda youdapat mightmembacanya readhalaman aper bookhalaman orseperti magazineAnda andmembaca ifbuku theatau book has not been properlymajalah. verifiedAnda youpun candapat helpmembantu Wikisource byuntuk checkingmenguji itbaca asnaskah youtersebut go.bila Clickbelum ondiuji onebaca ofdengan thebaik. pageKlik linkspada goingsalah downsatu thenomor lefthalaman sideberpranala ofdan theAnda screen,akan anddibawa youke willlaman bepindaian takennaskah toyang adijadikan pagesumber showinguntuk theuji scanned image from which thebaca Wikisource text was transcribed, and the text itself. You can navigate forward and backward through the work by clicking the arrows at the top of the screen.
Jika halaman tersebut If the page is marked with a red or yellow strip at the top it means it hasn't yet been proofread or verified (respectively). In this case you can check that the transcription is accurate and correct any errors. See the [[Help:Beginner's guide to proofreading|Beginner's guide to proofreading]] to get started.
Another way to change your view of the work is to look for a box called "Display Options" on the left side of the screen. There you will see two links: "Layout" followed by a number, and "Hide/show page links":