Antiquitates Iudaicae/Volume XI: Perbedaan antara revisi

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JohnThorne (bicara | kontrib)
JohnThorne (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 23:
4. After Esdras had said this, he left off praying; and when all those that came to him with their wives and children were under lamentation, one whose name was Jechonias, a principal man in Jerusalem, came to him, and said that they had sinned in marrying strange wives; and he persuaded him to adjure them all to cast those wives out, and the children born of them, and that those should be punished who would not obey the law. So Esdras hearkened to this advice, and made the heads of the priests, and of the Levites, and of the Israelites, swear that they would put away those wives and children, according to the advice of Jechonias. And when he had received their oaths, he went in haste out of the temple into the chamber of Johanan, the son of Eliasib, and as he had hitherto tasted nothing at all for grief, so he abode there that day. And when proclamation was made, that all those of the captivity should gather themselves together to Jerusalem, and those that did not meet there in two or three days should be banished from the multitude, and that their substance should b appropriated to the uses of the temple, according to the sentence of the elders, those that were of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin came together in three days, viz. on the twentieth day of the ninth month, which, according to the Hebrews, is called Tebeth, and according to the Macedonians, Apelleius. Now as they were sitting in the upper room of the temple, where the elders also were present, but were uneasy because of the cold, Esdras stood up and accused them, and told them that they had sinned in marrying wives that were not of their own nation; but that now they would do a thing both pleasing to God, and advantageous to themselves, if they would put those wives away. Accordingly, they all cried out that they would do so. That, however, the multitude was great, and that the season of the year was winter, and that this work would require more than one or two days. "Let their rulers, therefore, [said they,] and those that have married strange wives, come hither at a proper time, while the elders of every place, that are in common to estimate the number of those that have thus married, are to be there also." Accordingly, this was resolved on by them, and they began the inquiry after those that had married strange wives on the first day of the tenth month, and continued the inquiry to the first day of the next month, and found a great many of the posterity of Jeshua the high priest, and of the priests and Levites, and Israelites, who had a greater regard to the observation of the law than to their natural affection, (9) and immediately cast out their wives, and the children which were born of them. And in order to appease God, they offered sacrifices, and slew rams, as oblations to him; but it does not seem to me to be necessary to set down the names of these men. So when Esdras had reformed this sin about the marriages of the forementioned persons, he reduced that practice to purity, so that it continued in that state for the time to come. -->
5. Maka ketika mereka merayakan hari Pondok Daun-daunan (feast of tabernacles) pada bulan ketujuh dan hampir semua orang datang bersama-sama, mereka naik ke bagian terbuka Bait Suci, ke pintu gerbang yang menghadap ke timur, dan ingin agar Ezra membacakan hukum Musa kepada mereka. Karenanya, ia berdiri di antara orang banyak dan membacakannya; dan ini dilakukan dari pagi sampai tengah hari. Maka, setelah mendengar hukum-hukum yang dibacakan kepad mereka, mereka diberi petunjuk untuk menjadi orang saleh sekarang dan di kemudian hari; tetapi untuk pelanggaran masa lampau mereka, mereka tidak senang pada diri sendiri, dan mulai meneteskan air mata untuk itu, karena mempertimbangkan sendiri bahwa jika mereka tadinya memelihara hukum itu, mereka tidak akan mengalami kemalangan apapun yang telah mereka alami. Namun ketika Ezra melihat mereka dalam keadaan demikian, ia menyuruh mereka pulang, dan tidak menangis, karena saat itu hari perayaan, dan mereka tidak boleh menangis pada hari itu, karena tidak diperbolehkan oleh hukum untuk melakukannya. Ia menasihati mereka agar segera mulai berpesta, dan melakukan apa yang cocok untuk pesta, dan apa yang cocok untuk hari sukacit; tetapi membiarkan pertobatan dan penderitaan akibat dosa masa lalu mereka menjadi keamanan dan penjaga bagi mereka, sehinga mereka tidak jatuh lagi kepada pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang serupa. Atas nasihat Ezra mereka mulai berpesta; dan ketika mereka telah melakukannya delapan hari dalam pondok-pondok mereka, mereka pulang ke rumah masing-masing, menyanyikan kidung bagi Allah, dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ezra untuk reformasinya terhadap korupsi yang telah masuk ke dalam pemukiman mereka. Maka terjadilah, setelah ia telah mendapatkan reputasi ini di antara umat, ia mati dalam usia lanjut, dan dikuburkan secara megah di Yerusalem. Sekitar waktu yang sama juga terjadi bahwa Yoyakim, Imam Besar itu, mati; dan putranya Elyasib menggantikannya sebagai Imam Besar.