Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/31

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bi-awak, the iguana or monitor lizard.
bibi (Hind.), lady, aunt; form of address to ladies. "bibir, the lips, edge or rim of anything.
bibir cliawan, the edge of a cup.
bibir mata, eyelids.
bibir iiuilut, the lips.
bibit, mm-bibit, to carry or pick up with the tips of the fingers. Ibi-chara, deliberation, discussion, discourse, conversation, advice, opinion, legal proceedings, court of justice.
bcr-bi-chara, to discuss, consult.
bi-thara-kan, to advise.
bi-da-dari (Sk.), nymphs in Hindu mythology, houris.
bidai, hanging screens or blinds made of split rattan or bamboo. hi dak, a pawn in the game of chess; see ch-atur.
bidai, thimble; better didal.
bidan (Sk.), midwife. Cf. dukun.
bidang, broad, extensive; numeral coefficient of sails, mats, etc. (84)
bidu-an and bi-du-anda, body guard, royal messenger.
bidur, an ingot or block of tin. ibijak (Sk.), learned, clever, skilful; (B.) fluent of speech.
bi-jak-sana (Sk.), intelligent, skilful, discreet.
bijeh, tin ore.
biji, a seed, grain; numeral coefficient of small objects (83, 84).
biji mata, eyeballs.
bikin (B.), to make, do. Cf. buat.
bila, when, when? a-pa-bila, when.
bilah (83, 84), numeral coefficient of knives, swords, needles, etc.
bilal (Ar.), the man who calls to prayer, the muezzin.
bilalaig, see blalang.
bilang, mm-bilang, to count, recount, reckon, tell, say. ter-bilang, famous, renowned.
bilang-kan, to reckon, consider, account.
bi-langan, reckoning, number.
biIek, room.
bilur, scar, mark of a blow, weal.
bi-ma-sakti (Sk.), the milky way.
bimbaig, anxious, uncertain, vacillating, irresolute.
bin (Ar.), son, son of.
bi-nasa (Sk.), ruin, destruction; to go to ruin.
bi-nn sa-kan , to destroy.
bi-nataig, animal.
biigkis, a gift, a present sent with a letter.
bingonj, confused, disconcerted, stupid.
bini, wife. Cf. istri. anak bini, wife and family. !><, -bini, to have a wife, be married (of the man).
ber-bini-lfan, to take to wife.