<poem> ch-ru'tu (Tarn.), cigar. chtra ='chrita and chertra. cht'ri (Hind.), an awning. chu-a'cha, clear sk} r , fine weath- er. chu hit, to pinch. chu'chi, to clean. Cf. suchi. chu'choh, to kindle, set fire to. chu'chok, to stab, pierce, poke, push in, push through. Cf. tikam. chu'chok a' tap, to stitch ataps with rattan. chu'chok sarg'gol, hairpin. chu'chor, to flow, trickle (as water, tears, etc.). chu'chu, grandchild. a'tiak chu'chu, descendants. chu'ka (Sk.), vinegar. chu'kai, tax. chu'kai k-pa'la, poll tax. chu'kai pin'tu, house assess- ment. <huki, see choki. chu'kop, enough, sufficient, com- plete. Cf. pada. chu'kor, to shave. tu'kaiy chu'kor, a harher. pi' sau chu'kor, a razor. chu'la (Sk.), the horn of the rhinoceros and of some fabu- lous animals. chu'ma, only. Cf. salmja and liatya. per-chu'ma and chu-ma-chu'- ma, in vain, to no purpose, for nothing, gratis. Cf. sia-sia. il, to pick with a pointed instrument. rhtutf'kil gi'gi, tooth-pick, chu'pak, a measure of capacity. chu'rah, nin-diu'rah, to pour out, spill. Cf. turn pah and luatg. chu'ram, steep, precipitous, slop- ing (as the side of a hill). chu'ri, mn-cliu'ri, to steal. chu-ri-chu'ri, secretly, stealth- ily. pn-chu'ri, a thief. chu'ti (Hind.), leave of absence. D da'chiig, a steelyard. ba'tu da'chitg, the weight of a steelyard. da da, the breast, the chest. tarn' par da' da, to beat the breast. da'deh (Sk.), curdled milk. a'yer da' deli, whey. da'du (Port.), dice, da'erah, see da'irah. daf'tar (Pers.), a list, inventory, register, index, table of con- tents. da'gaig, foreign; a foreigner; also o'rarg da'garg. da-ga'iyan, merchandise. da'ging, the flesh of living bodies or fruits, also dead meat. (la'qiiy ba'bi, pork. (la'f/ity da' rah, blood relation- ship. da'giif/ kam'birg or da'yiry &- ri-bi'ri, mutton. ila'giry 1m' bit, beef. da'gu, the chin. dahaga, see dhaga. da'hak, phlegm. da ham, see dham.
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