<poem> h-Iu'an, the front or front part of anything, especially of boats. hm'bus, miy-hm'bus, to blow, breathe out with the mouth ; also used of the wind. Cf. Hop. liin'bus-kan, to blow away. hm'bu-san, bellows. fim'pa, empty; empty husks of rice. Cf. kosoty and skam. liin'pa ta'iyan->ya, with empty hands. pa'di lim'pa or lim'pa, husks of rice in which the grain has never formed. Jim 'pas, mty-hm'pas, ~k'an, to throw or dash down. Cf. cliampdk. hm'p-du, gall, bile. 'hn'dak, desire, wish; to wish, intend ; an auxiliary verb ex- pressing the future (45). Cf. man. hn'dak-lah, placed before a verb to express the imper- ative. Ikri dak-kan , to desire a thing. k-hn'dak or ka-han'dak (126), will, desire, wish. ber-ka-han'dak, to desire, wish, want. k-hn-da'ki or ka-han-da'ki, to desire. Tin'dap, miy-hn'dap, to crouch. Ti-niig', clear, pure, transparent (of liquids and of the heart). Cf. jerneh. hn tarn, to throw, strike; also hantam. hnti, see henti. hn-ti'mun, cucumber; see timun. "ho bat, usually ho'ba-tan, sorcery, made. Cf. obat. o'raty ho'ba-tan, a sorcerer. Ho- Ian da, Dutch; usually BlaA- da. ho'nar, disgrace, insult. hor-lo'ji (Port, and D.), a clock, watch; usually jam. h or 'mat (Ar.), reverence, res- . - pect. : b-ri' hor'mat, to pay respect, to honour. hor-ma'ti, to honour, respect. hrimau, see harimau. hsta, see liasta. hu'a (Ar.), he; used in the Lei- dekker version of the Bible as a translation of Jehovah. hu-ba'ya, entirely. liu-ba'ya-liu-ba'ya, above all things. hu'borg, ber-liu'borg , united, joined; the union of fami- lies, villages, etc., as well as of tangible things. Cf . 5am- boiy. mty-hu'bonj and hu'bory-kan, to join, unite. hn'bo-iyan, lengthening piece, hyphen; sequel of a book. hu'darg or u'darg, prawn, shrimp. . : liu'darg ga'lah, lobster. bu'rorg ra'ja hu'darg, the king- fisher. hu'jan, rain. Jiu'jan ba'tu, hail. 'uH liu'jan l-bat', heavy rain. Jiu'jan man tu'run, rain is com- ing. hu'jan pa'nas, rain during sun- shine. liu'jan rin-tek-rin'tek, light rain, drizzle. lia'ri hu'jan, a rainy day, or rainy weather.
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