<poem> ber-liu'taiy, in debt. pi-hu'targ, credit. I i'a, he, she, it, they; also dia. i'a'i'tu (17), that, that one; that is to say, namely. i'a'i'ni (17), this, this one. 'i-ba'dat (Ar.), worship, adora- tion, piety, devotion. Cf. smbahyaiy.
- i-ba'rat (Ar.), metaphor, figure;
explanation, interpretation. Cf. Idas. am'bil 'i-ba'rat, to use a meta- phor. ib'lis (Ar.), the devil, Satan. Cf. sliaitan. ib'ni, ib'nu or bin' (Ar.), son; usually anak. i'bol, a kind of palm tree. 'Ib-ra'ni (Ar.), Hebrew. i'bu, mother. Cf. mak and in- dok. i'bu a'yam, hen. i'bu ba'pa, parents. i'bu ja'ri, thumb. i'bu lea' lei, great toe. s-i'bu s-ba'pa, of the same father and mother. i'dah, bridal present. i'dam, mrg-i'dam, to long for (of pregnant women). i'dap, chronic disease. i'dar, ber-i'dar, to revolve, go round in a circle. Cf. pusirg. biritaiy ber-i'dar, a planet. i'dar-kan or per-i' da r-kan, to pass or send round, especially of food. , per-i' da-ran, revolution. per-i' da-ran dun'ia, a cycle,, period of time. id'dah (Ar., number), the num- ber of days or fixed time thsit a woman may not marrr after divorce or the deatli of her husband. idhin, see izin. 'if rit (Ar.), demon, evil spirit. Cf. jin and hantu. i'gal, m-Hji'gal, to spread the tail. as peacocks and turkeys. igama, see ayama. i'gau, m-tyi'gau, to talk in (nr sleep, have bad dreams. ih'wal (Ar.), plural of lial, q.v. i'jok, the coarse fibre of the a- borg (sugar palm), used for making rope. i'kal, wavy (of hair). Cf. Ire- two. i'kan, fish. i'Jcan b-la'larg, flying fish. i'kan k-rity', dried fish. Cf. da'irg. i'kan lum-ba-lum'ba, porpoise- i'kan pa' us, whale. i'kan to! dak, sword-fish'. i'kan yu' , shark. nja-ira-tya' u~a i'kan, more dead than alive. i'kat, m-tyi'kat, ~kan, a bundle: to tie, fasten. Cf. berka*. i'kat pirg'garg, belt. i'kat p-ri'fji, the masonry with wliidi a well is lined. i'kat ru'ina/i, to build a house (of brick or masonry). i'ka-tan, fastenings. ikh'las (Ar.), sincerity; sincere;, also ekhlas. ikh'ti-ar (Ar.). choice, decision,, opinion.