70 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Tcu'da k-cliil' , pony. ku-da-ku'da, tressles. Tcu'da p-na'kot, a timid horse. barg'sal ku'da, stable. b-si' ku'da, horse shoes. na'ik ku'da, to ride on horse : back. pa'kai-an ku'da, harness. turg'garg ku'da, to ride on horseback. ku'dis, mange. kudoig, see kodorg. ku'd-rat (Ar.), might., power; generally used of God. Of. kuasa. ku'dus (Ar.), holy. Cf. al- kudus. ku'dus-kan, to consecrate. ku-eh', cakes, confectionery, pud- dings. kui' (B.) (Chin.), to kneel. ku-is , to kick aside, move with the foot. ku'jut, m-rgu'jut, to strangle. ku'ki (Eng.), cook. Cf. masak. ku'koh, firm, steady. ku'koh-kan, to fortify. ku'kok, the crowing of a cock. ber-iku'kok, to crow, ku'ku, finger-nail, toe-nail, claw, hoof. ku'kus, to steam. ku'lai, hanging loose like a bro- ken arm. ku'lat, mushroom, fungus. Cf. chndawan, ku'li, labourer, cooly. ku'li po' (B.), female servant. ku'lit, skin, leather, bark, shell.
- ku'lit ka'yu, the bark of a tree.
ku'lit ma'nis, cinnamon, ku'lit t-lor' ', eggshell. ku'li-ti, to skin, flay. CI. ///- pas. ku'lom, to suck or move about in tlie mouth (as lozenges m- sweetmeats). ku'Iop (Ar.), foreskin; 1111- circumcised. Kul /.um (Ar.), in the phrase: la'ut Kul'zum, the Red Sea. ku'man, a small parasitic insect. kum'baig, a beetle, humble bee. ku'mis (Jav.), moustache. Cf. misai. ku'mor, ber-ku'mor, to rinse the- mouth. kum'pol, m-rgum'pol, -lean, to- gather together, collect. Cf. himpon and kruinun. bcr-kum'pol, to assemble, meet,. convene. per-kum' po-lan , a s s e m b 1 y r , crowd. kun'chi (Sk.), lock, key. kun'chi marg'ga, padlock. a'nak kun'chi, key. i'bu kun'chi, lock. ju-ru-Tcun'chi, steward. lo'barg kun'chi, keyhole. ter-kun'chi, locked. kun'chi-kan, to lock. kun'chop, shut up, folded up. not yet opened (of flower.- and buds). Cf. kmbai;i. kun'dai, chignon, the hair of the- head -twisted into a knob at the back. ku'niig, yellow. kun'iyit, saffron. b-ras' kun'njit, rice stained with saffron. onf, in the form : s-kun'n/oiy-kun'njo>y, suddenly^ unexpectedly.