Standalone novels

  • Divine Sky Sword (蒼穹神劍)
  • The Poisonous Sword and the Fragrant Plum Blossom (劍毒梅香) (Partially ghostwritten by Shangguan Ding)
  • Eerie Moon and Evil Star (月異星邪)
  • Consort Xiang's Sword (湘妃劍)
  • Legend of the Orphan Star (孤星傳)
  • Story of the Lost Soul (失魂引)
  • Tale of the Wandering Swordsman (遊俠錄)
  • Flower-Guarding Bell (護花鈴)
  • Tune of the Colorful Ring (彩環曲)
  • Broken Gold, Incomplete Jade (殘金缺玉)
  • Lingering Fragrance in a Rain of Swords (飄香劍雨)
  • Tale of a Remarkable Sword (劍玄錄)
  • Journey of a Swordsman (劍客行)
  • Cleansing Flowers, Refining the Sword (浣花洗劍錄)
  • Lover's Arrow (情人箭)
  • Legend of the Banner Heroes (大旗英雄傳)
  • Unofficial History of the Wulin (武林外史)
  • The Sword and Exquisiteness (名劍風流)
  • Legendary Siblings (絕代雙驕)
  • Happy Heroes (歡樂英雄)
  • The Celebrity (大人物)
  • Meteor, Butterfly, Sword (流星‧蝴蝶‧劍)
  • 7 Killers (七殺手)
  • Sword of the Third Young Master (三少爺的劍)
  • Jade Tiger (白玉老虎)
  • Carved Jade Dragon (白玉雕龍) (Ghostwritten by Shen Suimei)
  • Land of Flying Eagles (大地飛鷹)
  • Full Moon Curved Saber (圓月彎刀)
  • Heroes Shed No Tears (英雄無淚)
  • Dragon King With Seven Stars (七星龍王)
  • The Sound of the Sabre Accompanied by Wind Chimes (風鈴中的刀聲)
  • Furious Sword, Mad Flowers (怒劍狂花)
  • Sublte Touch of the Sword (那一劍的風情)
  • Righteous Blood Cleansing the Silver Spear (碧血洗銀槍)
  • Thorn of the Crysanthemum (菊花的刺)
  • Iron Sword Beauty (鐵劍紅顏)
  • The Indignant Foal (憤怒的小馬)

Little Li's Flying Dagger (小李飛刀系列) series

  • Sentimental Swordsman, Ruthless Sword (多情劍客無情劍)
  • Bordertown Wanderer (邊城浪子)
  • Flying Eagles in the Ninth Month (九月鷹飛)
  • Horizon, Bright Moon, Saber (天涯‧明月‧刀)
  • Flying Dagger, The Flying Dagger Reappears (飛刀,又見飛刀)

The Eleventh Son series (蕭十一郎系列)

  • The Eleventh Son (蕭十一郎)
  • Huobing Xiao Shiyilang (火併蕭十一郎)

Chu Liuxiang series (楚留香系列)

  • Drifting Sea of Blood (血海飄香)
  • The Great Desert (大沙漠)
  • Laughingthrush (畫眉鳥)
  • Legend of the Bat (蝙蝠傳奇)
  • Romance of Ghosts and Heroes (鬼戀俠情)
  • Legend of the Peach Flower (桃花傳奇)
  • Legend of the New Moon (新月傳奇)
  • Midnight Orchid (午夜蘭花)

Lu Xiaofeng series (陸小鳳系列)

  • Legend of Lu Xiaofeng (陸小鳳傳奇)
  • Embroidering Thief (繡花大盜)
  • Around the Duel (決戰前後)
  • Silver Hook Casino (銀鈎賭坊)
  • Ghost Villa (幽靈山莊)
  • Phoenix Flying in the Sky (鳳舞九天)
  • God of Sword Smiles (劍神一笑)

Seven Weapons (Qizhong Wuqi) series (七種武器系列)

  • Longevity Sword (長生劍)
  • Peacock Plume (孔雀翎)
  • Green Jade Saber (碧玉刀)
  • Amorous Ring (多情環)
  • Overlord Spear (霸王槍)
  • Separating Hook (離別鉤)
  • Fist (拳頭)

Grand Era of Wuxia series (大武俠時代)

  • Duju Langya Zhuisha (賭局、狼牙、追殺)
  • Ziyan Qunhu (紫煙、群狐)
  • Yindiao Haishen (銀雕、海神)

Jinghun Liuji series (驚魂六記系列)

  • Blood Parrot (血鸚鵡)
  • Tianmo Dao (天魔刀)
  • Hei Xiyi (黑蜥蜴)
  • Shuijing Ren (水晶人)
  • Fen Kulou (粉骷髏)
  • Luocha Nü (羅剎女)
  • Wuyi Bianfu (無翼蝙蝠)

