Wikisumber:Referensi Wikisumber
As the Wikisource project expands its library of works, as well as its ability to vouch for the accuracy of the texts within, it draws increasing attention. This is a listing of news articles, as well as other established sources, that use a text hosted on Wikisource as their source.
sunting- The wikisource edition of OC-1 CITF witness report was cited in the October edition of Briarpatch magazine in an article concerning Omar Khadr
- The wikisource editions of George H. W. Bush's Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Federal Budget Deficit and of his third State of the Union Address are cited in the footnotes to Chapter XVI of Phoenix Rising by Donald G. Lett
- The wikisource edition of Nelson Mandela's statement from the dock at the Rivonia Trial was cited in the Encyclopedia of Information Technology Curriculum
- The wikisource collection of Author:Henry David Thoreau was referred to readers in the footnotes to Chapter I of Ideas and beliefs in architecture and industrial design
sunting- the wikisource edition of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was cited in the bibliography of Models of Teaching: Connecting Student Learning With Standards by authors Jeanine M. Dell'Olio and Tony Donk, published by SAGE Publications.
- the wikisource edition of City upon a Hill was cited in the footnotes to Chapter II of The Fall of the House of Bush by author Craig Unger, published by Simon & Schuster.
- July, the wikisource edition of The Blindmen and the Elephant was cited in the National Bureau of Economic Research paper "Labor Market Institutions Around the World" by author Richard B. Freeman.
- December 6, the wikisource edition of the Constitution of Venezuela was linked from the editorial "Failed Venezuelan referendum example of democracy, not dictatorship, in the works" in the Wisconsin Northwestern.
sunting- the wikisource edition of Ryan White's Testimony before the President's Commission on AIDS was cited twice in the footnotes to Chapter VI of Ethics And AIDS: Compassion And Justice in a Global Crisis by author Kenneth R. Overberg, published by Rowman & Littlefield.
- the wikisource edition of Treaty of Ghent was cited in the footnotes to Victory in War: Foundations of Modern Military Policy by author William C. Martel, published by the Cambridge University Press.
- February, the wikisource edition of Democracy and Education was cited by Andre Konig in his thesis Free the Body and the Mind will Follow for the University of Applied Sciences Wedel.
- The wikisource edition of Letter to John Jay - August 23, 1785 is cited in Chapter II of The Bourgeois Virtues by author Deirdre McCloskey
Static links
sunting- in an exclusive deal with the Caravan Club (est. 1907), Wikisource was granted access to their original copy of A Souvenir of the "Wanderer" Caravan and put it online - and the Club now links to the text on their website.
- the wikisource edition of Constitution of Palestine (2003) is used by the Israeli Democracy Institute in their article "Under Whose Authority is the Palestinian Authority?".
- The wikisource edition of Affidavit of Omar Ahmed Khadr is cited by the Omar Khadr advocacy site